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Europe and UK

Evershower is distributed In Europe by Patrick Roche From Manchester in the UK

Whilst building his campervan Pat discovered the Evershower system and knew that Evershower would be of great value and interest to his fellow camper self builders. Pat began Importing the shower in 2019 just before Covid struck and had now shipped Evershowers to most countries in Europe.

When Pat isn't selling showers he can be found out on his Mountain Bike or In his Kayak.

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Evershower was Designed By Larry Tofler

After Seakayaking trips and Outback adventures Larry got fed up with being unable to have a proper shower after a long days. He tried all the usual solutions but none of them really worked for him. Larry decided to develop a better solution and after many prototypes developed the Evershower. The Evershower is now in its third generation of models and Larry continues to develop it

Larry has now decided to sell Evershower to Topargee a leading austrailian designer and manufacturer of camping and caravan equipment so that they can use their global distribution to get Evershower into more markets.



Evershower is distributed in the US by Vandoit.com

Vandoit are a van converters based in Blue Springs Missouri. Vandoit is one of the largest adventure camper van converters in America. Vandoit build An affordable custom van specifically created by adventurers of every kind so that anyone can utilize the convenient, customizable design with modular transformability.

In between selling Evershowers Vandoit stay very busy building Adventure Vans


About Evershower

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